This rare and unique 1960 Canada Cent featuring Queen Elizabeth II is a must-have for any serious coin collector. This commemorative coin was minted in Canada making it a rare find for those seeking pristine coins. The coin is uncertified, but its authenticity can be verified by its features such as the year of minting and the country of manufacture. This coin is in good condition and is sure to be a prized possession for years to come.\r\rObverse\r\rDescription:\rElizabeth II (Queen of the United Kingdom)\rLegend:\rELIZABETH II DEI GRATIA REGINA\r\rReverse\r\rPlant\rDescription\rMaple leaf\r\rCreators\rGeorge Edward Kruger-Gray (KG)\r\rLegend\r1 CENT CANADA KG\r\r#Antiquecoin\r#family\r#Canadacent\r#Oldcoin\r#Rare\r#HMQueenElizabethII\r国...イギリス\r\r\r種類...外国貨幣/硬貨\r\r国···アメリカ\r国...フランス